01 02 03 OLEM EDGE GLOBAL CONCEPT: Taxation: the entrepreneurs’ concern 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Taxation: the entrepreneurs’ concern


Now that the Nigerian oil revenue has dropped drastically, and the government has turned toward taxation – when the economy is still struggling to have a grip on stability: The concern of many businesses, especially, the growing ones – is how to go about the payment of tax, and yet – retain some meaningful profits for their various organisations.
In this article, we will try to shed light on how to support our government to achieve the task which it as set out to do, neglecting (deliberately) the illegal means of beating the ‘payment of tax’. Unarguably, there are so many methods by which one can beat taxation, but such methods play down on individual’s integrity and may be dangerous if caught in the act.

Hence, we will focus on the taxpayer, how to pay the tax and where to pay the tax. However, there are only two specific taxes that so much concern an entrepreneur, namely:
·         VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT).
The taxes collected by the Federal Inland Revenue are as follow:


Persons subject to the Companies Income Tax are:
  • All companies incorporated in Nigeria with the exception of companies engaged in petroleum operations.
  • All non-resident (foreign) companies that earn or derive income from Nigeria.
  • All organizations limited by guarantee (institutions of public character or charitable organizations) engaged in profit making activities other than the promotion of their primary objects.
  • The liquidator, receiver, or agent of liquidator or receiver of any taxable company or organization.
Persons subject to the Petroleum Profits Tax:
Persons subject to the Value Added Tax:
Any individual, corporation sole, group, body corporate or organization that consumes, buys, procures or imports taxable goods or services is liable to pay the tax.
How to pay the Value Added Tax
Where to pay the Value Added Tax
VAT remittances may be made at any designated banks; an e-ticket is immediately issued as evidence of payment. This e-ticket may be presented at the ITO and an e-receipt will be issued the taxpayer.
Persons subject to the Personal Income Tax:


Applicable tax law
Withholding Tax (WHT) is not a distinct tax type and therefore has no legislation of its own. It is only a mechanism for the collection of other taxes. Consequently, its application is provided for in the enabling law of other tax types i.e. Section 81 of Company Income Tax Act, Section 54 of Petroleum Profit Tax Act, Section 73 of Personal Income Tax Act and Section 13 of Value Added Tax Act.
Persons subject to the Withholding Tax:
Persons subject to the various tax types may be subject to Withholding Tax deductions for the purpose of offsetting their tax liabilities. WHT deductions are regarded as advance payments (or payments on account) of the relevant tax liability that will arise from the tax returns of the period concerned.


Persons subject to the Education Tax:
All companies liable to Companies Income Tax are also liable to Education Tax. In other words, all companies registered or resident in Nigeria are liable to pay Education Tax.


Persons subject to Stamp Duties:
The items and persons subject to stamp duties are instruments (written documents) relating to matters executed between a company and an individual, group or body of individuals. Instruments which may be subject to stamp duties include financial instruments/transactions, company memorandums and articles of association, statements of share capital ownership, bonds, conveyances on sale, depositions, lease agreements, mortgage bonds, debentures, etc.
Persons and properties subject to the Capital Gains Tax:
All companies incorporated in Nigeria which earns any capital gains or gains on the disposal of all forms of assets. All forms of property (whether situated in Nigeria or not) that are liable to capital gains tax include:
Persons subject to the NITDF Levy:
Companies and enterprises with an annual turnover of N100, 000, 000.00 and above operating as:

There are two categories of tax payers in Nigeria: Individuals and Corporations.

It is noteworthy at this junction – that all entrepreneurs understood the categories of taxes that apply to them. All entrepreneurs would pay or collect VAT where applicable, and they must pay their companies income taxes, when due.

Tax Payment Guidelines – listed below:

How would you calculate your individual taxes?
According to Dr. Alaba Olusemoore, the CEO of Nesbet Consulting, the following method could be used in determining the amount of your tax – payable to the government.
ITEMS                                                                            N
NET SALES                                                                 XX
LESS COST OF GOODS SOLD                -               XX
GROSS PROFIT                                         =              XX
ETC                                                              -               XX
NET PROFIT BEFORE TAX                     =              XX
LESS TAX                                                      -          30%
PROFIT AFTER TAX                                 =              XX
In view of this method, your payable tax would be 30% of your income, after deducting some of your expenses and other cost of production (charges). You might need to consult an auditor for proper book record of your expenditures.

There are few benefits of paying your tax as a business owner, and these benefits are enumerated below

Nigeria as a country and indeed all socially responsible and law abiding individuals, groups, organisations and corporate citizens will derive valuable benefits from imbibing a culture of tax compliance. The benefits derivable include but are not limited to:

Even, the scripture mandated that we should give what belongs to the government – to the government: “When they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said, "Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?" He said, "Yes." And when he had come into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, "What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?"  Peter said to Him, "From strangers." Jesus said to him, "Then the sons are free. Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you." (Matt 17:24-27, NKJV).
Now that you understood how to go about the payment of your taxes – it is left to your opinion if you will support the government partially or fully in your tax payment, but know that if you are caught cheating the government – it might not be an easy ride.
Therefore, remember that you are informed not to be deformed, because you deserve the best.


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