01 02 03 OLEM EDGE GLOBAL CONCEPT: These happen as third party enters your relationship 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

These happen as third party enters your relationship


Image result for images of quarreling lovers
Source: Google.

Relationship can be very interesting: at the same time, it can be very daunting as a result of all that relationship involves.
There are so many people (men and women) who have refused to take a quantum leap into marriage – all because of what they had learnt, heard, and/or see in relationships. However, a great number of people find themselves in relationship, day after day, that is – people get into relationships when some people are running away from it.
While there is no manual for success

There is no proven method on how to make a relationship work, but there are principles on how to make relationships work. These principles are found in the scripture (not systematically, but apiece).
a.       From everything about marriage in the scripture, a person must know God (be born again) before delving into relationship or marriage – Gen 3:8.
b.      A person should be filled with the Holy Spirit for the ability to walk with God – John 14:16.
c.       A person must seek to know God’s mind every time (for the purpose of having cognate direction in all endeavours) – Joshua 1:8.
d.      A person should seek to please God, every day, either while in the relationship or in the marriage - Rom 12:1-3.
Things that happen because of a third party
“Should your fountains be dispersed abroad, Streams of water in the streets? Let them be only your own, And not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth”, Prov 5:16-18, NKJV.
Image result for images of counsellors
Source: Google.
When you begin to take the issues in your relationship to a third party, you are inviting some errors into your union, but this is not to say that you cannot have a mentor or counsellor for your relationship.
So many people are qualified to be called ‘foolish’ all because they bring disaster upon themselves for lack of knowledge; they do not know God. God is the only one that gives wisdom: “If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or fault finding, and it will be given him”, James 1:5, AMP.
When one, foolishly, takes his or her relationship’s matters to a third party:
1.       The third party will advise him or her based on his or her experiences.
2.       The third party is more than likely to shift the interest of the person having issues in relationship, away, from the relationship – due to human errors.
3.       The third party might suggest several reasons why your partner is not the best person for you.
4.       Sometimes, the third party might snatch you away from your partner, or give you an alternative (partner).
What to do when you have issues in your relationship?
Since we are not talking about the stages involved in establishing a relationship, in this article, we believe that we are talking to people that have godly, established, relationships.
Therefore, when you have issues in your relationship – you could do the following:
a.       Pray to God to calm the storm in your relationship.
b.      Listen to God’s directions.
c.       Always employ discussions (with your partner) when you have disagreement.
d.      Never part with your partner without settling your misunderstanding, if you do, your misunderstanding might degenerate to something too cumbersome for you to handle.
e.      You should always consider your partner’s feelings in your actions – bearing in mind that ‘if you are the receiver of such actions how would you feel’?


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