01 02 03 OLEM EDGE GLOBAL CONCEPT: You can have leisure at the service of your clients 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

You can have leisure at the service of your clients


Image result for images of a man having leisure
Source: Google.

What typically comes to mind when the world ‘leisure’ is mentioned is the time available for ease and relaxation or freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity, and these are exactly what we are talking about, in this article.
As a working-class, no matter the industry in which you work, you got to render some services to either your organisation or your clients – which fetch you monetary rewards at the end.
It is then, the monetary rewards that you use for your needs: acquiring things that make life comfortable to live. You could acquire a serene environment; good and quality wears; automobiles and communication devices; educational advancement; vacation periods, and so on.

Hence, your clients are the most valuable part of your business, because without their patronages: there will be no acquisition of comfort.
How do you get the leisure we are talking about?
Since nothing comes to a person by wishful thinking, there must be some things that one got to do to attract the leisure that he or she wants. Below are a few ways to get leisure at the service of your clients:
1.       Hard work: this is not to say that you should work until your body system collapses; we are only trying to say that you cannot afford to be lazy at your job.
According to Mr. 4HWD, in The Hidden Benefits of Hard Work, THE FOUR HOUR WORK DAY’, there are salient benefits of hard work, which are: Hard work gives you an advantage; Hard work is a confidence builder; Hard work allows you to experience gratitude; Hard work leads to self-improvement; and Hard work is motivating.
2.       Recognise your clients as one of the integral parts of your business: as taught in marketing, your clients are part of your business’ publics and they should be the focus, that is – the driving force of your business. They can influence other prospects to either patronise you or neglect your services. Hence, you must ensure that you satisfy their urges (not the ungodly motives though), but those ones that are permitted by the ethics guiding your business.
3.       You could decide to reward your clients (once in a while): this will spur more patronages from them.
4.       Modify your office to international standard (as much as you can afford): clients always appreciate conducive environment in which they can transact businesses.
5.       Make yourself fit always: many working class individuals forget or are not always mindful of the importance of constant medical check-up. Until they are down with a sickness: they might not think of being checked by a certified doctor.
Periodic medical check-up is necessary, because only a healthy person can be more productive; such person, alone, can have leisure after work. You should not play with your health to avoid a situation in which you will waste all your resources to treat a preventable ailment.
Image result for images of a man meditating
Source: Google.
How should you spend your leisure time?
Now that you have worked and acquired all the necessary that you need: another (worthy of consideration) is how you spend your leisure time.
As a child of God, you should be aware that there are restrictions to how wild you could go. However, since individuals’ use of time differs – we will rather present some things that you should note in your leisure.
1.       Your recreational time should not cause you to indulge in self-gratification that leads to sin.
2.       You should also find time to commune with God, through His word (Bible) and through prayers. How? You do not need to engage in open air prayer (for people to see you), you can meditate (silently) and God will hear you.
3.       You should think of better ways to do what you are already doing, in all ramifications of your life.
4.       Ruminate on how your life has been a blessing to the human race and strategise on how to better contribute to the society.
5.       You should express your graciousness to God for all He has helped you to achieve.


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